Definition: The process of exchanging and expressing information with others. Effective communication conveys a message in a manner in which others can understand and comprehend your meaning.
Remember the 7-C’s of Effective Communication:
1. Clear – be clear about your goal or message. Ask yourself, what is your purpose in communicating with this person?
2. Concise – stick to the point and keep it brief. Your audience doesn't want to read six sentences when you could communicate your message in three.
3. Concrete – make sure your audience has a clear picture of what you’re telling them. Provide enough facts and details, but remain consistent with your message.
4. Correct – grammatical and spelling errors distract your audience from your message. Make sure your communication is error- free.
5. Coherent – a coherent message is a logical one. Ensure that all of your points are connected and relevant to the main topic, and the tone and flow of the text or your speech is consistent.
6. Complete – make sure you’ve provided all relevant information. Ask yourself, does the audience have everything they need to be informed? Are they ready to take action or the appropriate next step?
7. Courteous – be friendly, honest and open in your communication. Don’t include passive-aggressive undertones or innuendos. Reread any written communication out loud to check for any areas that could be misinterpreted.
Adapted from:
Self-Directed Learning Activities
Relevant Readings:
The 7 C’s of Communication – Read this article to find positive and negative examples of the 7 C’s listed above
Carnegie, D. (1981). How to win friends and influence people. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Pearce, Leading Out Loud: Inspiring Change Through Authentic Communications (rev.) (Jossey-Bass Inc, 2003)
Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Swizler, A. (2002). Crucial conversations: tools for talking when stakes are high
Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (
This is a video of an interactive workshop published by the Stanford Graduate School for Business
How to speak so that people want to listen (
This is a 10 minute TED talk by Julian Treasure where he shared vocal exercises and discusses how to speak with empathy
Self-Guided Activities:
Guided Learning Activities
Volunteer to give presentations at your unit, agency, or department meetings. Coordinate a time after the presentation to go over your performance with your supervisor. What did you do well? What could you improve upon?
Learn about your communication skills. Gather feedback from others on your communication styles and tactics, and periodically evaluate your performance based on the feedback. Formulate developmental plans with your supervisor based on the feedback you receive from others.
The best way to gain skill in communicating is to practice. Don’t avoid the difficult conversations. As a supervisor, you’ll be required to have the difficult conversations with your employees. Review the 7 C’s of effective communication and practice being direct but empathetic in all aspects of your life.
Formal Training/Education
School and Course Module(s):
Casper College
COM 1040 - Intro to Human Communication: This course is an introduction to the process of human communication. Six major areas of communication studies will be examined: interpersonal, intercultural, small group, public, mass, and organizational. This course is designed to combine theory and practice to increase both understanding and skills from each perspective. The course will discuss the evolution of communication theory, current trends, and possible areas for future research.
Eastern Wyoming College
BADM 1020 Business Communications: This course will cover the topic of business communications—written, oral, nonverbal, and listening. Application will be made to business situations. The major focus of this course is on writing business messages and reports. Emphasis will be given to the study of effective writing principles, problem analysis, and the writing process.
CO/M 1030 Interpersonal Communication: Introduction to oral communication in interpersonal group and audience situations. Brief survey of communication rhetoric, principles, and techniques.
CO/M 1040 Introduction to Human Communication: This course focuses on the role of communication in current affairs, business, and personal relations. Practical application of theory to communication problems in everyday life.
Laramie County Community College
BADM 1020 – Business Communication: Students study the principles, strategies, and techniques of effective written, oral, and digital business communication. Emphasis is placed on reviewing grammar and mechanics as students create successful written messages including e-mails, memos, letters, reports, and resumes. Students learn productive techniques to communicate professionally in an increasingly global, digital workplace.
CO/M 1030 – Interpersonal Communication: Students develop skills in interpersonal communication by examining topics such as perception, identity, listening, nonverbal communication, relationship development, conflict management and diversity.
CO/M 2010 Public Speaking: Students develop foundational verbal, digital, and written communication skills in this introductory public speaking course. Students practice skills to effectively construct, write, organize, deliver, and critique speeches in a variety of public communication contexts and speaking formats.
CO/M 2120 Small Group Communication: Students develop group communication skills focusing on topics such as group decision making and problem solving techniques, group development and cohesion, conflict management, and leadership principles.
Northern Wyoming Community College
CO/M 1010 - Introduction to Public Speaking: This course introduces the material and methods for developing ideas, organizing material, and delivering both formal and informal speeches. The course emphasizes the speaker’s attention to the speaker/audience relationship. It is designed to develop the basic skills needed for making effective oral presentations and for listening effectively.
CO/M 1030 - Interpersonal Communication: This is an introductory course which presents and applies theories, data and insights into interpersonal relationships, enabling students to make more effective communication choices.
CO/M 2120 - Small Group Communication: This course is a problem-solving course which involves the investigation of communication behavior in small group situations such as: networks, dynamics, leadership roles, member functions, and decision making behavior. These theoretical aspects of small group are developed through participation in small group activities.
Northwest College
BADM 1020 - Business Communication: Applies principles of written and spoken business communication in business environments through reviewing case studies; writing specific types of business letters, memos, and reports; and delivering oral presentations.
CO/M 1030 - Interpersonal Communication: Students learn to communicate on a person-to-person and small group level. Considers verbal and nonverbal areas, with instruction designed to provide insight into improving communication with others through discovery and relevant theory.
CO/M 2010 - Public Speaking: An introductory course with emphasis on oral communication theory and practice. Provides a basic understanding of the significance of oral communication as well as instruction and practice in the basic skills of public speaking.
Western Wyoming Community College
COMM 1030 – Interpersonal Communication: This course combines reading, discussions, lectures and exercises to explore a wide variety of topics and skills in face-to-face interaction. The student will become aware of current research in the human communication field as well as become more effective communicators in their relationships with friends, family, co-workers, and intimates.
COMM 1070 - Effective Communication: Listening is the process of hearing, attending to, interpreting, remembering, and responding to spoken messages. This course will explore listening theories and research, the listening process, listening challenges, various listening contexts; and essential listening skills.
Other trainings:
Assertiveness Basics: The 30-minute Communication Guide (